Author: uaeblog

How to Organise Your Closet in 3 Simple Steps

How to Organise Your Closet in 3 Simple Steps

Each of us has some skeletons in the closet – as well a few clothes…

Cockroach Control: Get Rid of Cockroaches Naturally

Cockroach Control: Get Rid of Cockroaches Naturally

Do you get cockroaches inside your flat or villa? Have you tried all the cockroach…

How to Clean your Aircon and Fans – the easy way!

How to Clean your Aircon and Fans – the easy way!

With the year-round hot weather in Dubai, air conditioning and fans have become completely essential…

5 unusual tips to save water for the world toilet day!

5 unusual tips to save water for the world toilet day!

For many of us, The World Toilet day is something pretty much nonexistent, despite prominent…

Food Waste in the UAE: 5 simple tips to stop the waste

Food Waste in the UAE: 5 simple tips to stop the waste

Food waste is a growing problem in the UAE. So World Food Day (16th October)…

5 Tips for Safe Hands

5 Tips for Safe Hands

Hands are the most exposed part of the body when cleaning the home. However, many…

How to sleep well on a hot night

How to sleep well on a hot night

When we think of summer, we think of barbecues, sun-drenched balconies, ice cream, the sea……

8 homemade delightfully intoxicating remedies against foul smells

8 homemade delightfully intoxicating remedies against foul smells

Wish your house always smelled like roses? Is you place stifled by that overpowering fishy smell after…

Coffee Grounds Recycled for Household Cleaning

Coffee Grounds Recycled for Household Cleaning

If you start your morning with a cup of homemade coffee, you know how quickly…

Natural Home Cleaning with Olive Oil

Natural Home Cleaning with Olive Oil

Steeped in Mediterranean culture and cuisine, olive oil is synonymous with health. Olive oil comes…