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13 things everyone does instead of cleaning

Ah, cleaning. The never-ending task that always seems to be hanging over you. Admittedly, this is probably because many of us will do just about anything to avoid this dreaded chore. When you finally convince yourself that yes, you really SHOULD deal with that dirt today, you usually end up doing one (or all) of these things instead. Procrastination is a full-time job, after all.

1. Spend hours making a cleaning playlist on Spotify

You couldn’t possibly get anything done without good music.


2. Work out – for the first time in six months

You have to start at some point, right?


3. Discover a series on Netflix that you absolutely HAVE to see…

Okay, one episode – then cleaning.


4. …and become addicted to it

Just. One. More. Episode…


5. Bake

FACT: you cannot clean when you’re hungry.


6. Stalk people on Facebook

How else will you know what’s going on in the lives of people you went to school with 11 years ago?


7. Nap

Being tired when you clean = poor results. Everybody knows that.


8. Stare at the stains

Has that spot always been there?


9. Google “how often should you clean?”

Well, you wouldn’t want to clean up too much or too little.


10. Tell yourself you don’t have time to clean today

“I’m an important person with important things to do.”


11. Decide that the weather’s too nice to be cleaning

20 degrees and overcast? That sounds like SUMMER.


12. Lie on the floor in the fetal position

Maybe the dirt will disappear if I lie here long enough?


13. Call a cleaning service

Problem = solved.


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